Someone finally found a use for Twitter

Twitter’s service allows you to send messages to an address and have them echoed to your circle of friends.  This would be unremarkable except that Twitter is mostly used between cellphones, creating a sort of broadcast  nightmare if your circle of friends includes only one idiot. I have several acquaintances who talk about signing up…

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Second thoughts on Second Life

A lot of people that I thought should have known better rushed into Second Life thinking it was the next big thing.  I pooh-pooh’ed it, but others who thought they saw potential continued to run with the idea, both within my firm and elsewhere in the industry.  (and now you know that I don’t have…

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What’s WIFI in a music player for?

I’ve seen a number of people pontificate on the concept of Wifi in an MP3 player.  About how it’s all about people sharing music with people.  Honestly, I think that’s bunk.  Such behavior would only work if everyone involved had the same device, and the only person with the market penetration to assume that is…

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Yet another New Year’s resolution, no more CDs or iTunes

I’ve got a handful of New Year’s resolutions, most of which I’m not going to tell you about.  They’re really not resolutions, as much as 2007 goals.  I do these at work too, and run them by my business parters and senior managers.  I figure if you don’t want the  boss to go off on…

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Too much spam made me do something extreme…

…I’ve today added a challenge-response to my personal e-mail.  I could never do this at work, but personally I get e-mail that’s overwhelmingly spam. I’ve actually lost quite a bit of stuff in my mailbox because I couldn’t find it through all the spam. The system I chose is not new, it’s called spamarrest, and…

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Holding your users captive is not a business model

I live and breathe innovation.  Now that the company’s grown and better technical folks than me make the trains run on time, I mostly focus on looking for the next thing our clients need.  Just as often I’m spending my time chasing down the subtle reason why a particular company’s offering isn’t going to take…

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Life on the road

On my trip back from Vegas this week I encountered two innovations that really struck me.  The first isn’t new to me, though I think it’s quite a find for many: the airline seat map service SeatGuru.Com.  Nowadays most of us book enough of our flights and checkin online that we choose our own seats. …

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Honestly, the Palm is dead, they just don’t know it yet.

Although I will never write a history of cellphone innovation, 2005-2007 will mark the year that Microsoft came into a dominant space in the market.  Was it something Microsoft had done?  Did their marketing team figure out the secret to getting people to buy Windows mobile based phones?  Did a competitor stumble?  Nope, none of…

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Google Pay Per Click ads

People are slagging on the Google Pay Per Click video ads, and they’re not really even out already.  I’ll say this though, everyone that works in interactive has Google to thank for moving a $1billion a year in advertising off television and onto the web.  You ought to be a little more supportive of new…

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The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn

wow, amazingly good advice even for a company as big as us.  And though people would say we’re not a startup, lots of things we do still feel like it.  (like the little Manhattan Project I’m coding right now) Link: The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn.

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