Blackberry = patent lawsuit magnet

Honestly, if you’re a Blackberry user, don’t buy another one.  Go get yourself a Windows Mobile 5.0-based phone (like the HTC Wizard) and stop freaking out about the patent lawsuits.  You need a company the size of Microsoft (with their patent portfolio) to protect you from idiocy like this. Link: Another Patent Lawsuit Sours BlackBerry.

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The New Wisdom of the Web – Next Frontiers –

Brad Stone is a soft-spoken reporter who doesn’t get enough attention.  Go read the article he co-authored with Steven Levy about why people are raving about the latest burst of creativity and innovation on the web: At its first release two years ago, Flickr is in some ways the ultimate user-centric siteā€”its customers even helped…

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No, it’s not about Web 2.0

I just converted my entire 2,500 photo, 3 year collection to be hosted on flickr instead of on shutterfly or on my home-built server. There are a number of reasons for this, but it’s not about web 2.0.  I’m so sick of the web 2.0 buzz-bubble I could puke.  Shutterfly could have added better photo…

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Google Finance

Hey, check out this sample company page for the new Google Finance!  It’s a direct competitor to Yahoo! Finance and although I’ve loved Yahoo! Finance for years now, the competition in the space ought to cause both companies to improve both products.  I know it’s only a tiny difference, but I really like the fact…

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Apple laps itself

I’m sitting on a decent sized chip stack in a poker tournament and digging through my Engadget backlog. Gee, do they post every product sent to them by the PR muffins?  It sure seems like they aren’t exercising much editorial filter these days. Anyway I thought they made an excellent point about the iPod Nano…

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Web 3.0

Funny, but this essay from ‘A List Apart’ by Jeff Zeldman perfectly identifies my fatigue and impatience with people who become technology cheerleaders.  People become enamored with a phrase, with no real understanding of the technology, and proceed to repeat it like a mantra.  I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time gritting my…

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Pandora and the Music Genome Project

This is the busy season at work now, so you’re not going to hear much from me.  My morning time is spent with Moishe, bringing you that photo on the top right that you see daily and practicing my velociraptor impression.  (Apparently that’s the baby’s favorite noise now, and he does it sometimes in response…

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Creative Technology profits plummet

My reporter friend Aaron Pressman was good enough to feed my schadenfreud by sending along this note about Creative Technology, which makes MP3 players that pretend to compete with the IPod.

Chief Executive Sim Wong Hoo told an
analysts’ conference that Creative won’t aggressively seek a greater share of
the MP3 market. He also said the company is willing to let market share fall to
help Creative improve financial results by the end of 2005 — a shift from last
November, when Mr. Sim unveiled a $100 million marketing campaign he predicted
would give Creative a 40% share of the MP3 market.

I predicted this one
several months back.

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