Archive for March 2006
Google Finance
Hey, check out this sample company page for the new Google Finance! It’s a direct competitor to Yahoo! Finance and although I’ve loved Yahoo! Finance for years now, the competition in the space ought to cause both companies to improve both products. I know it’s only a tiny difference, but I really like the fact…
Read MoreWorking with the Cingular 8125 (also known as the HTC Wizard)
I recently upped my travel quantity and one a particular day when I was traveling in New York, I was out of touch with my colleagues for a day. A key project that I was an important driver on lost a day of work and given that it was on a tight deliverable, I felt…
Read MoreTwo underpair versus an overpair
My favorite hand of the night at my last game at the Factory was in fact one I lost, but I loved it, and it caused me to do some analysis that shows what a great opportunity it is. The host of the game (who reads this blog) and I were in a hand together. …
Read MoreI’m dubbing this game the Factory and I’ve got a JACK!
[If you have a chance, go see Bradley’s rationalization about why he was right to shove $250 into a $29 pot with a 1.5% edge, a response to my analysis that this is too much volatility for his own good. Obviously, if the volatility bothers you enough to post on your blog that it bothers…
Read MoreForeign Policy: The Return of Patriarchy
I find this whole article fascinating, but particularly this phrase on page 2: Among states that voted for President George W. Bush in 2004, fertility rates are 12 percent higher than in states that voted for Sen. John Kerry. We’re so screwed. We shouldn’t be going after independant voters, or even focusing on turnout. The…
Read MoreA Senate Maverick Acts to Force an Issue
Senator Feingold regularly acts as the conscience of the Democratic party, taking stances that are the right result without regard for the context of politics. It’s hard work, being a conscience. I suspect the Democratic party will treat him the same way most people treat their consciences: by telling him to sit down and shut…
Read MoreRisk vs Volatility
People usually use the phrase "risk versus reward", but if you’re a careful poker player, I suspect you don’t really think too hard about the reward. Also, if you play small stakes like I do where your normal everyday income far outpaces your poker bankroll, then you don’t care so much about the reward as…
Read MoreMy last word on Microsoft Origami (for now)
So the Microsoft Origami launch has come and gone, and the concensus seems to be: cool machine, but the battery life is too short and it’s a tad too expensive. I, for one, am crushed. With all the advantages of Microsoft’s Tablet OS (an extremely awesome piece of software) and the fact that I think…
Read MoreRandom memory of the day
Sarah and I honeymooned in Cuba. We were just talking about, reminiscing about the craziness that was that trip when she reminded me about the movies they showed on tv. She remembered that every time we were at someone’s house and they had the TV on, there was a good chance they were showing Jaws,…
Read MoreIt’s 11pm, do you know where your company’s biggest cheerleader is?
I woke up this morning at 4:30am, took the baby away from the bed since he was keeping Sarah up, then showered and flew to another city, did a client conference call discreetly from inside a Borders books, did a client pitch for two hours (wowed them!), and then flew home. Because of time zones…
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