The Fine Art of Living
My near miss with a FitBit (and other fitness data-gathering devices)
I've accidently picked up a walking habit. I get up around 6am and walk a couple miles around my neighborhood while listening to podcasts of This American Life, The Moth, or the occasional talk from Zencast. I cover 2-2.5 miles each time. (This isn't a new year's resolution or anything, I just like being alone.…
Read MoreWas for sale: 1976 BMW R60/6 (this bike has been sold)
[I sold this bike already. I’m just leaving this here for archival purposes. -Shabbir] So I’m selling my beloved first motorcycle, a 1976 BMW R60/6. When I bought my Harley a couple of years ago I stopped riding it. I put it in my shed, covered it, and that’s the last time I spent any…
Read MoreWherever you go, there you are.
We were in the cab riding back to the airport on Maui. We had fifteen hours of flight time before we would return to cold wet Washington. "So," I asked the cabdriver, "how many times a day do you hear some tourist say ‘I never want to leave!’"
"I am sick," he said, "of people saying this is paradise. We have all the major problems of a big city. People commit suicide here, they have drug problems, they get into fights and shoot each other. Just the same as any other city."
He didn’t actually quote Buckaroo Banzai when he said it, but he might as well have said the famous line, "Wherever you go, there you are."**
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