Archive for January 2004
Gino, call me, please.
As always, click on the photo to see the larger one 411: A Georgetown garage, underneath Morton’s Temple of Beef Listening to: The riffling sound of money being counted, and bills being “faced”. Who is Gino? Is Gino a name or a euphemism? A nome de plume, perhaps? How often does Gino come by to…
Read MoreThank you, Paris Hilton
411: Surfing Listening to: Opium Jukebox’s, “Music to download pornography by” Appreciate my first triptych self-portrait. I said appreciate it, dammit. We all owe a great debt to Paris Hilton. If you haven’t seen it yet, you need to watch the Paris Hilton video. I wouldn’t suggest you watch it at work, but that’s not…
Read MoreWhat I was doing on Christmas Eve…
A little flashback to my Christmas Eve won’t hurt you. Just close your eyes and imagine that today is December 24th, 2003. Don’t click on the photo unless you want to see the awful state of my thumb’s cuticles up close. 411: Ronald Reagan National Airport Listening to: “White Christmas” covered by Harry Conick Jr.…
Read MoreYou don’t have to burn out OR fade away.
Click on the photo for the larger version 411: KRS-One’s show at 9:30 Club (one of my Hannukah gifts to Sarah) Listening to: KRS-One trying to get me to read a book Think back to the best concert you’ve been to in the last year or two. Did the music mean a lot to the…
Read MoreThe Jewish Flu Shot
Click on the photo for a larger picture 411: My kitchen, just back from Krupin’s If my funeral were held today, you’d be listening to: “Draggin’ Hooks” by the Cowboy Junkies So they ran out of flu shots this year. I used to be the kind of person that doubted everything everyone in authority said.…
Read MoreWhat Would Macy Do? (WWMD)
411: 9:30 Club Listening to: “Relating to a Psychopath”, by Macy Gray I was going to write something funny about Macy Gray, and the entirely bizarre show she put on at the 9:30 Club recently. I thought I would perhaps talk about the fact that she was high as a kite, or that her band…
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