Archive for August 2009
Support for healthcare reform this Saturday in the Bay Area
This Saturday many of the groups that organized the "teabagging" anti-tax day protests are going to stand in front of the local offices of members of Congress and protest anything having to do with reforming healthcare. This isn't a difference of opinion (public option vs no public option? funding children's healthcare?), the groups organizing these…
Read MoreHow you can help with healthcare during the recess: SF area
The healthcare reform debate is becoming very ugly, even by Washington standards. Believe it or not, not all of our elected officials can be assumed to be pro-healthcare reform. If you live in the Bay area and want to make a difference, letters to Senators Feinstein and Boxer would be a great help, along with…
Read MoreHow you can help with healthcare this weekend: East Bay friends
If you live in the East Bay, specifically in Rep. Pete Stark's district (CA-13), know that he's being targeted by the opponents of healthcare who have vowed to disrupt his town hall meetings this Saturday. To see an overlay of the district on Google maps, look at Rep. Stark's interactive district map. He could really…
Read MoreThis is the last serious thing I will say publicly about the healthcare debate for months.
August 7, 2009 Dear Rep. Speier, I am very happy to see that you have come out strong for a public option in healthcare. Thank you for doing the right thing. If you don't read the rest of this letter (it is long) please know that you have my support in pushing for universal healthcare,…
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