Profit by position: What would you pay to be psychic in poker?

So for several weeks I've been doing an experiment that Andrew and I came up with. I ran the math on all limit hold'em hands, and then constructed a set that I thought were playable for one bet, and another set playable for two bets. With a roughly repeatable preflop and postflop strategy, I set…

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OneCause are spammers

I signed up for OneCause, a group that claims to capture rewards from your purchases and give them to the school of your choice, in order to support my preschool.  Sadly, they don't even pretend to be obeying my email preferences, and are now spamming me for their new toolbar. I recently got this e-mail:…

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I fucking draw the line at nudity.

A few weeks ago I had to fly to DC for some business.  I flew Virgin America.  If Virgin America was a woman, I’d cheat on my wife.  They understand the psychology of what frustrates people on planes so well, and have architected the experience so perfectly, that I’m in love. Anyway, I flew SFO…

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