Coming to terms with one’s own past

This week’s Sunday New York Times has a great piece by David Carr where he goes back 20 years in his life to when he was a crack addict.  He investigates his experience through interviews with people that knew him, medical and arrest records, and most powerfully, people that took custody of his twin infant…

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Things that make me happy

My poker tutor doesn’t think I’m a complete idiot.  He sat behind me today while I played a 3 hour session at my local cardroom and gave me a lot of really good advice, none of which was, "You need to go find a lower stakes game while you figure out how to play poker."…

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Modeling $3/$6 players

I’m doing some math modeling of hand equity of various hands with pokerstove.  What happens to JJ at a table when someone raises,and you’ve got 2, 3, 4 players?  What if they’re solid players?  What if one is a complete donk?  Does the hand have a positive or negative expected value? If you were doing…

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