Why don’t I have an iPhone yet?

I don’t buy the first version of any product, iPhone included.  I owned a Newton, what else is there to say?

I’ve been dying to buy an iPhone, though, and this mandatory wait has killed me.  But in mid-January 2008 Steve Jobs is giving a keynote at a major Mac conference, and it’s likely that he’ll introduce some new model or feature in order to keep momentum behind the product, after having blown through the holiday sales targets.

I’ll make a decision then on purchasing one during this iPhone product cycle.  Purchasing consumer items like this is easy when it’s Apple.  Their pattern of innovation and product refreshes is so predictable that you know when to wait and when to buy.


  1. ampressman on December 7, 2007 at 12:12 pm

    I’m with you 100% which is why I didn’t buy an iPhone or a Kindle — oops, I broke my rule and bought a kindle. The hardest part to swallow with iPhone ain’t gonna change for a while: AT&T’s crummy network.

  2. dbsolo on December 8, 2007 at 12:03 pm

    I will follow your lead. But what about Jitter Bug?

  3. ShabbirJSafdar on December 10, 2007 at 11:51 am

    The people that might want to use the Jitter Bug phone, a phone with a simple interface with no features, and the folks that might want to use the iPhone, a phone with a complex but simple interface with infinite features, are entirely different human beings. They occupy far different places on the technology adoption curve and would never buy the same device.

    The Jitter Bug is yet another attempt at phones for technology-averse people. I like it, but it’s not for me.