Mindshare’s annual adventure

Every year my company has a retreat.  The planning of the retreat is complicated but I’m given sole responsibility for the fun activity that precedes it.  This year it’s a Crime Scene Investigation involving a robbery.  (I’m being a little cagey because I know several employees read my blog) Every year we create the teams,…

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Comments from Sarah about the New Yorker article

Sarah’s blog is all about knitting nowadays, but she had a response to my post about the New Yorker article in an e-mail to Aaron, and she’s allowed me to repost it here.  It adequately describes the issues with a C-section from the patient’s point of view, something I’m not able to capture adequately. I’d…

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Do we have to give up natural childbirth to save infants?

My friend Aaron Pressman recently asked me what Sarah and I thought about the October 9th New Yorker article on the rise of the Caesarian section (C-section) as a child birthing method.  (Sarah hasn’t seen it yet)  If you’ve read the story of the birth of our first child, you know this isn’t an abstract…

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The Sandbox

One of my new favorite blogs is called The Sandbox, from Doonesbury creator Gary Trudeau.  He’s basically republishing blog entries from military personnel from their own blogs.  Occasionally I think he’s also publishing letters. It’s an excellent, unfiltered look into the minds of the soldiers both deployed and home, and the writing is all pretty…

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Starbucks to sell hot breakfast sandwiches in United States

This is a really good idea.  Starbucks’ food engineers have figured out how to make a breakfast sandwich that tastes a lot better and a lot fresher than most other fast food places but whose preparation is really very little work.  (the associates just stick it in a warmer/toaster) I’ve become addicted to them, and…

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World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

I know you’re not surprised to see that I’m reviewing a book in the zombie genre, you already know my love of the shambling undead.  What you probably don’t know is just how good this book is, and how I really think you should read it even if you only have a passing fancy for…

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The problem isn’t your drinking….

Can someone explain to me why Rep. Foley is checking into an alcohol rehab center when his real problem is that he’s a pedophile?  (That’s rhetorical, don’t answer) I think it’s actually probably a pretty good tactic to confess to a lesser evil.  When someone says you’re a pedophile, say "No, I’m an alcoholic!". I…

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