Various replies to blog comments people have made.
Katie is a really excellent poker colleague of mine. She profitably plays 10/20 Limit hold’em online, and she and I have developed a good rapport that allows us to discuss hands without one of us having to be right. I’ve known poker players that would have made excellent poker colleagues except for their ego problems. Always having to be right and all that.
Anyway, she makes some excellent points about my idiotic poker axiom. She likes the axiom, but plainly says if you’re the favorite in the game, you ought to stay. I think that’s right. If I’m the favorite I should put as many hours into the game as possible. They may not all be in the same night, because after all, I shouldn’t keep playing if I’m tired, but it’s foolish to ever walk away from a soft game if I’m capable of playing my best game.
Chad complimented me on my ‘drunken master’ maniac style. It’s indeed a single gear that has to be part of a larger strategy. I actually haven’t figured out how to play it in any other game. In stud and omaha, where you absolutely can’t try and ‘catch up’, it’s just a sure-fire way to lose money. And online you can’t have the same impact on your opponents. They just either ignore you and watch television, or close the window and change tables. I truly think it works best live. Or at least, I can only play it live.
[Chad the Big Game has shut down for a while. If you’re coming to town talk to me about other options.]
Thanks to everyone that comments on my blog. I’m continually flattered that anyone reads it all. Mostly I write it to organize my own strategic thoughts. I suspect that’s why some people write poker books.