My best hand!

I buy a lot of poker books, as you can tell from my Amazon wishlist.  I actually often buy books that are ahead of where I am in poker skills.  I don’t mean that I don’t understand them.  On an intellectual level I do.  But experience counts for a lot in poker.  And for me,…

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ABC poker wins again

I babysat for Sarah and one of her fellow mom drinking buddies this weekend and then after they got home, I hit the Big Game slightly before midnight.  I arrived to a table of six morose people playing $2/$5 No limit Hold’em, maximum buyin $1,000.  Two guys were racking up around $5-6,000 in chips and…

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Wait, a leak in my game!

I seem to have developed a leak in my game.  I realized it when I made the same mistake both in live poker and online in corresponding No limit cash games. The leak is that I seem to be assuming people are bluffing the flush on the river.  A quiet better who calls me on…

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Honestly, the Palm is dead, they just don’t know it yet.

Although I will never write a history of cellphone innovation, 2005-2007 will mark the year that Microsoft came into a dominant space in the market.  Was it something Microsoft had done?  Did their marketing team figure out the secret to getting people to buy Windows mobile based phones?  Did a competitor stumble?  Nope, none of…

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Nats beats Astros, 8-5

So I played hooky yesterday and saw game 3 of the 4 game series against the Astros at RFK.  It’s a 1:05pm game and was supposed to be a date for Sarah and I, but she got a couple of big deals in at work and so I went alone rather than mope around at…

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Not just pride, but unchecked hostility goeth before the fall.

I’m usually very good with vendors, but yesterday I confess that I lost it.  A serious problem was escalated to a vendor manager and wasn’t noticed because this person was training a new staffer all day Monday.  Along with a poorly placed "fuck" in the conversation, I suggested that perhaps new employee training ought to…

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Google Pay Per Click ads

People are slagging on the Google Pay Per Click video ads, and they’re not really even out already.  I’ll say this though, everyone that works in interactive has Google to thank for moving a $1billion a year in advertising off television and onto the web.  You ought to be a little more supportive of new…

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Sen. John Edwards talking about student loan programs

Sarah and I were riding home the other day and heard Sen. John Edwards speaking at a commencement ceremony.  The date wasn’t clear, and so it could have been in the middle of the last campaign, or it could have been yesterday.  I believe he was in North Carolina though. The contrast in rhetoric in…

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