Foreign Policy: The Return of Patriarchy

I find this whole article fascinating, but particularly this phrase on page 2: Among states that voted for President George W. Bush in 2004, fertility rates are 12 percent higher than in states that voted for Sen. John Kerry. We’re so screwed.  We shouldn’t be going after independant voters, or even focusing on turnout.  The…

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A Senate Maverick Acts to Force an Issue

Senator Feingold regularly acts as the conscience of the Democratic party, taking stances that are the right result without regard for the context of politics. It’s hard work, being a conscience.  I suspect the Democratic party will treat him the same way most people treat their consciences: by telling him to sit down and shut…

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flagrantly violationg the law

While I frequently don’t agree with either the goals of the Bush Administration, I just assumed they bought into the whole concept of the rule of law.  Now it appears that the President (or more likely his advisors) flagrantly disregarded the law, signing executive orders to spy on Americans on the flimsiest of pretenses. I…

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