Naftali (Naphtali) Herz Imber

Way back in my wife’s family tree is a hilariously eccentric relative named Naftali Herz Imber (Wikipedia). He’s credited with having written the words to the Israeli National Anthem, “Hatikvah”. Recently I hired local historian Paula Freedman to dig up some information on him and his intersection with Sarah’s synagogue, Temple Emanu-el. I’m publishing all…

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Archery merit badge advancement

I am an archery merit badge counselor in the Bay area for the Boy Scouts of America. I can provide testing to allow scouts to pass the merit badge requirements and earn their badge. Here are specifics for how you can schedule time with me to complete the archery merit badge requirements. Scheduling time for…

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Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

[amazon text=Amazon&template=carousel&asin=B00J1IQUYM] Richly crafted characters and compelling personal narratives make Station Eleven an joyful read.  Set in present time before, during, and after a 99% fatal global flu pandemic, Emily St. John Mandel successfully utilizes many of the same storytelling and scene-setting techniques of Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road”. This is post-apocalyptic in the sense that…

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& Teller, YouTube series by Teller of Penn & Teller

Teller, of Penn & Teller fame, has produced a YouTube series about life in Vegas after the zombie apocalypse called “& Teller”.  Laced with a bit of gambling culture satire, this entertaining YouTube series is about the magician Teller’s adventures surviving the zombie apocalypse in Vegas. Watch it for free on YouTube

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The Dog Stars by Peter Weller

[amazon text=Amazon&template=carousel&asin=B007GZELF2] A man, his beloved dog, and his airplane live through an apocalyptic pandemic without developing the cutthroat nature needed to survive in the new world. His plane, a supply of fuel, and his lack of concern for his own safety drive him to explore the world around him. Not your usual post-apocalyptic pulp,…

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The Remaining Series by DJ Molles

A highly entertaining study of what could be accomplished if the military sequestered competent people and supplies in case of societal collapse. Where to get it: [amazon asin=B00PO9J314&template=add to cart]

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The Strain series by Chuck Hogan and Guillermo del Toro

The most famous vampire revival series to date, and the only one to cross over into a television series.  A satisfying modern treatment of the genre, it slows in the middle of the trilogy but picks up at the end.  (Like all trilogies)  The tv series on FX is enjoyable as well. Where to get…

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