Ah, travel.
It’s becoming a routine occurence that I’m scheduled to get on a plane and it’s oversold. I’m offered a free ticket anywhere in the continental US, or a $300 flight voucher, if I’ll just give up my seat. The problem of course is that I always have somewhere to be. It’s never a good deal for me. Would I sell time with my son or wife for $300 credit on a crappy airline? Would I sacrifice the meetings I’ve stacked up with clients and colleagues for the same? Nope.
I finally had that angry "I hate tourists" moment that totally blew my Travel Zen. I regained control but it took 10 minutes. I was standing in the US Airways line and a long snake line of morons at the Orlando airport wouldn’t walk up to any kiosk if someone was standing near it, despite the big "Welcome" on it. I was on the phone with Sarah at the time, and I finally started directing traffic. "Hey, that one looks available" I would shout, point, and stare at the first person in line.
Ok, I was wrong. Modest Mouse’s "Missed The Boat" reminds me of the Shins, and I think is my favorite song on the new album, "We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank"
I’ve become obsessed with The Cat Empire. They remind me of Madness and the Boomtown Rats back in the day. Except the Cat Empire doesn’t ever sing about anything important. They’re just a fun little lark, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t practically break out dancing on the DC Metro this morning.
Did I mention that work with some of the nicest people in the world? On Tuesday I came down with bronchitis. By Thursday I lost my voice and could only speak in a whisper. On Friday we had a meeting with four company advisors who are incredibly accomplished entrepreneurs and experts in our field. It was inconceivable that these august advisors would fly in from all over the country and I wouldn’t be there at the top of my game for this discussion.
I e-mailed out a plea for help to the DC office e-mail alias asking for cough drops. I got cough drops, a bottle of cough syrup, and a cup of hot tea with honey, from three different people.
I work with the nicest people.