Don’t provoke the civilization, it bites.
I actually read my spam.
No, that’s not exactly right. Because of my past life, I get a sizable percentage of e-mail from people who would otherwise be putting up fliers at the local monthly UFO watchers Meet Up.
I have a kindred spirit with these people who range in lucidity from giving me a call periodically to see if I’ll help get attention for their injustice to just sending me crazy e-mail about their ongoing litigation with the US gov’t. There are a surprising number of veterans among them, which I find very sad. At the end of the day they are so much like me, with a cause they champion and the megaphone of the Internet. They just seem to be missing that internal compass that tells the rest of us that we’re really overlooking a key point. Or that perhaps we aren’t right.
Perhaps I possess a modicum of self-doubt that they lack, or perhaps the chemicals in my brain are in better proportion. Either way, I feel that if Alzheimer’s ever hits me, I’ll be on the other end of this transaction.
Today’s is a first for me. I’ve never had an Asian crazy spam before. So here it is for all you’re viewing pleasure. Here’s my favorite quote, by the way:
"If everyone can tramp down on
law and publicly provoke the civilization of the world, like Du Pon and its CEO
Holliday have done, what the world will be? "
Who has humiliated he、she and it?IMPUDENT DuPont of USA and
1. Dare Du Pont and its CEO Holliday deny this publicly? They absolutely
dared not, as what I said is all truth.
2. If everyone can tramp down on
law and publicly provoke the civilization of the world, like Du Pon and its CEO
Holliday have done, what the world will be? Logic here is simple, As Du Pont
and its CEO Holliday can tramp down on the “Contract Law” and seize the patent
of the others as its own before the eyes of the public of the world, why other
people cannot kill and loot in defiance of the Criminal Law and be encouraged?
3. Due to the stipulations concerning secrecy in the “Biological Evaluation
Agreement”, please forgive us that I and Mr. Huang cannot make public our true
names. But Du Pont and its CEO Holliday absolutely know our true names.
Best wishes
SXF 01. July 2006
Du Pont Chemical Company of the United State has for several times required
to submit the dispute between it and our side to an arbitration organization.
Respecting the requirement of Du Pont, we sent a version of “Arbitration
Agreement” in a registered letter to Du Pont on January 16, 2006, with an
enclosure saying if Du Pont raises no objections, we will appreciate it if Du
Pont sign and affix its seal to the agreement and mail the rest two copies back
to us in 30 days. If Du Pont has objections, it may produce a version of its
own. Meanwhile, we have sent the “Arbitration Agreement” and an enclosure letter
by e-mail to and
24 times on January 26, February 6, February 10 and February 15, 2006
respectively. Now more than 30 days have passed, far exceeding the time that
needs for finding proof and making a decision, and we have received no reply.
This is most likely another trick played by Du Pont for the purpose of
repudiating its debt. We therefore send this e-mail and ask for your pardon if
it does any convenience to you. If possible, we request you tell Du Pont not to
play this kind of trick any more. (As many people with the public relations
department of the Du Pont Chemical Company excel at Chinese, the registered
letter and e-mail we have sent are not translated into English.)
IMPUDENT, SCOUNDREL, DuPont of the United States!无耻,无赖,美国杜邦和贺利得!
SCOUNDREL, CEO of DuPont Holliday !
DuPont Co. and its CEO Holliday are
transnational scoundrel!
Without open objection, DuPont is openly admitting itself to be a
transnational scoundrel!
We firmly believe that the United State is not a country that shields and
connives at rascals and the American government is not a government that
shields and connives at rascals!
We request the American government actions to intensify the law enforcement
strength to protect
intellectual property rights,force transnational
scoundrel DuPont to carry out it’s voluntarily
promised obligations in the
Hello, my respectable President Mr. Bush:
The fact that DuPont declined
to fulfill the agreement has been presented to you for several times via; As a
result, sent back
three letters containing the following same contents on the behalf of Mr.
President in Sep 2004:”Thank you for e-mailing President Bush. Your ideas and
comments are very important to him.” My ”ideas and comments” are as follows: it
is verified by Mr. Huang with adequate facts and irrefutable legal evidences
that DuPont must disburse Mr. Huang patent fee, license fee or equivalent “Utter
Compensation” fee and DuPont’s persistent refusal to disburse these fees
infringes upon the intellectual property rights of Mr. Huang. mentioned
”are very important to him.” I don’t dare to unduly surmise the meaning of “very
important” to Mr. President; However, according to my humble opinions, there
exits the following “important”: on the one hand, respectable Mr. President, the
American Government led by Mr. President as well as the great American people
bitterly hate the predation of the intellectual property rights of
through brazen means such as stealing, shameless acts; in contrast, DuPont is
committing such brazen and shameless deals; on the other hand, the number of
your country’s intellectual property rights in a variety of fields is far in
excess of that of any nations in the world and suffers greatly from rights
infringement. Therefore, your government always reserves no efforts in urging
other nations to intensify the law enforcement strength to protect your
country’s intellectual property rights. However, while your government reserves
no efforts in urging the Chinese government to intensify the law enforcement
strength to protect your country’s intellectual property rights and receives
your “more encouraged” praise, DuPont is infringing the intellectual property
rights of Mr. Huang through various extremely brazen and shameless means, which
constitutes an extremely bad signal to the governments and public of other
nations in the world, a extremely “good” model for current and potential thieves
of intellectual property rights, an enormous damage to your government
protection of your country’s intellectual property rights, and a tremendous
humiliation to your country’s lofty status in the world. For the sake of the
glory of the great American people and the reputation of a legion of American
corporations, in order to safeguard your country’s lofty status in the world and
protect the intellectual property rights of your country and other nations in
the world, we humbly request you and your government to prevent DuPont’s such
extremely brazen infringement and even seizure behaviors, and force DuPont to
carry out it’s voluntarily promised obligations in the agreement. We firmly
believe that the United State is not a country that shields and connives at
rascals and the American government is not a government that shields and
connives at rascals; Under the instruction of our respectable Mr. President and
the Americangovernment, the rascal of DuPont shall be aware of shame and be able
to turn into a normal corporation by giving up shameless behaviors. Due to the
adequate evidences, the clear-cut rights and obligations of both parties of
DuPont and Mr. Huang, and simple legal relations, the infringement of the
intellectual property rights of Mr. Huang by DuPont can be absolutely prevented
and DuPont will surely disburse Mr. Huang patent fee, license fee or equivalent
“Utter Compensation” fee as long as your government intensifies the law
enforcement strength to protect intellectual property rights as well.
best regards!
Heartfelt thanks for your reading my E-mail and your mail of attention to
this matter. I would like to make some replenishment concerning the matter, for
you to judge and decide.
I Abstract
1. At the request of Du Pont, Mr. Huang has for 10 times
submitted written technical materials to Du Pont from April 1993 to 1994, for
expert group of Du Pont to conduct feasibility analysis.
2. On February 22,
1995, Dr Robert F Sklar, Technology Transfer Licensing Manager of DuPont arrived
in Shanghai in China, to “sign many agreements” with Mr. Huang. Mr. Huang
insisted DuPont examines samples first before signs any agreement. However, as
samples were still in the process of purification at the time, no agreements
were signed then.
3. On March 28, 1995, Mr. Huang sent the first batch of
samples to Du Pont by post.
4. On September 7, 1995, Mr. Huang received
“Biological Evaluation Agreement” (1995 Agreement) sent by Du Pont, requiring
Mr. Huang to sign this agreement and again provide samples. Mr. Huang signed the
agreement and sent second batch of samples as requested by DuPont.
admit in Article 5 of the “1995 Agreement” that Mr. Huang will be entitled to
claim patent and licensing fees. DuPont states in Article 8 of the “1995
Agreement” that Mr. Huang may not cooperate with any universities or enterprises
in any form before and after signing of this agreement (for this reason, Mr.
Huang has refused cooperation request of several companies).
5. On September
10, 1998, DuPont sent a letter to Mr. Huang, asking for third batch of samples.
6. In 1999, DuPont carried out a month-long insecticide screening on the
third batch of samples (in fact, it has carried out weeds killing test and mould
killing test in the meantime), and required to keep all these tests a secret.
7. On June 8, 2000, DuPont sent a letter saying it was not interested in
samples provided by Mr. Huang, and refused to pay Mr. Huang patent and licensing
8.The mail signed by DuPont on June 2th, 2005, threaten Mr.Huang ,and
prevent Mr.Huang send the
Seek response from E-mail:
1 美国杜邦及其总裁Holliday敢公开否认吗?不敢,绝对不敢!因为我未捏造任何事实。
SXF 2006.07.01.
2004年9月代替总统先生发来下述三封内容相同的回信:“Thank you for e-mailing President Bush. Your ideas
and comments are very important to him.”我的“ideas and
comments”是黄先生有充足的事实证据与无可辩驳的法律依据证明,杜邦必须向黄先生支付专利费、许可证费或等额的“完全赔偿”金,杜邦一直拒绝支付这些费用是侵犯黄先生的知识产权。president@whitehouse.gov说“are very
important to him.”
“very important”对总统先生是何含意,我不敢妄自猜测;但就愚见而言,有下列“important”
全责代理人: SXF 2005.09.17.23:59
1995年2月22日杜邦技术转让与许可证经理Sklar博士 (E.I.DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY Robert
Sklar Ph. D. Manager,Technology Transfer
4. 1995年9月7日黄先生收到杜邦寄来的《BIOLOGICAL EVALUATION
(黄先生为此而谢绝了几家公司要求合作的 请求)。
5. 1998年9月10日杜邦发信向黄先生要到了第叁批样品。
6 1999年杜邦对第叁批样品进行一个多月的Insecticide
2000年6月8日杜邦发信称对黄先生的样品不感兴趣,拒绝向黄先生支付专利费和特许证费。 8.2005.06.02.
(求证E-mail:杜邦中国 ,