World Series Of Poker Champion doesn’t want the attention

"I just thought about what would happen if I won,” Gold said. "Out
of the goodness of their heart, a lot of people would feel like they
needed to talk to me, they’d want to know what I was doing, cameras
would follow me around. I don’t want my life on display. I don’t have
anything to hide. I’m just not that person. I’ve always been behind
other people. I like making other people famous. I’m not comfortable
being in the spotlight. I like my private life.


"I also don’t want to be responsible for being the ambassador of poker
or anything like that. What Greg Raymer does is amazing. Good for him.
I’m not looking to quit my job. I like the job I do. I don’t need the
money. I’m not doing this for the money. I love the competition.”

This interview was done before the start of Day 6, before Gold had won the championship.