I have a World Series of Poker Posse!
Last night Sarah said to me, "Are you excited? You’ll be in Vegas soon."
Actually, it hadn’t really hit me that I’m headed to the World Series to play my baby event, the $1,000 2 day No Limit Hold’em event. I am a little excited now that I’m starting to look at the results. The day my event takes place, there could be as many as 6,600 people who might enter, having been knocked out of the main event. The other $1,000 events have been drawing big crowds, too. First place in my event is easily going to be $300,000+.
The trip itself it going to be fun as well. Although I’m entirely content to plow through Vegas alone, my poker buddies Katie and Chris have both said they’re going to try and make it out. It would be nice to have a posse. The thing I like about both Katie and Chris is that they are learning poker constantly. If you have a discussion about a hand or a player, they don’t get locked into a particular point of view. They can see other points of view, and not just for the purpose of trying to defeat your argument.
Frankly, that makes them good friends for the same reason, but I digress.
I’ll see if I can get one or both of them to volunteer to live blog my tournament status. Also, I’ve made reservations for a nice, expensive dinner at Red Square in Mandalay Bay for the three of us Friday after the tournament. I hope to lavish food and drink on them as a thank you for coming out to support me.