Advice for newborn fathers taking time off

In many ways, I am luckier than most human beings.  Owning my own busines, I knew I had the luxury of taking lots of time off after our son was born.  I worked out an arrangement at work where I had the ability to take up to a month off, and then the next month part time, and the month after that, something more involved.  This was going to be a huge luxury for me, a chance to bond with my new son that most adults don’t get a chance to do.

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The Seamier Side Of Vegas

I love Vegas, or should I say, I love certain gambling games.  I’ve never spent more than a few days in Vegas though, and I’ve always heard people talk about Vegas as being depressing if you really took a hard look at it.

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Sunday’s papers: Africa, beyond the hype

Apparently old habits die hard, and I’m back again with my regular feature of what you should read in Sunday’s papers, of course with Baby In Tow.  Frankly, I’ve been on paternity leave so long that I no longer know what day it is.  When I woke up this morning, I couldn’t tell if it was Saturday or Sunday.  Sadly Sarah confirmed that it was Sunday.  I don’t know why it’s sad for me, as I don’t have to go back to work anytime soon.  But the end of the weekend is always sad to me anyway.

And so without further delay….

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Iraq Endgame

My favorite deployed soldier blogger, "365 and a Wakeup", has a compelling argument about why "how we got to Iraq" is moot, and why we have to stay to finish the job.  I can’t really tell if I’m more angry about the incompetence of the Bush Administration’s approach to WMD’s that got us to Iraq,…

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